We’re a family of 6 who sold everything in Dallas, Texas and moved to Cozumel, Mexico to live out our crazy adventure we call life.
I mean, that sounds pretty good for an intro, right? I don’t know, we’re kind of winging this whole thing.
I have no clue what to promise you for being here and reading our blog. We’re not celebrities or rich or anything all that exciting. We’re just a really tight family who enjoy being silly and entertaining people with our antics.
ANTICS! That’s what I can promise you!
Here, I’ll even make it a quote so it’s more official:
You will see antics and shenanigans
David Crandall
Ya, I don’t know what you should really expect. But if you’re still reading you probably dig this kind of madness so check out some of the following:
And thanks for visiting!